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Perfect Pork Ribs


I always get asked, what is the best way to do pork ribs? There are thousands of recipes out there but my below recipe was always a crowd pleaser.


Pork Ribs 3kg (USA Spec)

3ltr Vegetable /chicken stock

500ml Red wine

1 brown onion roughly chopped

2 celery sticks – chopped

1 carrot – chopped

10- Black Peppercorns

3- Bay leaves

2 sprigs of rosemary/thyme


Place ribs in a tray and the above ingredients into the tray. Ribs must be covered in liquid.

Cover with foil and braise at 170 Degrees Celsius for 2-3 hours depending in size of ribs.

Ribs must be tender to touch but not falling off the bone.


Once cooked remove from liquid and cool,

Smother ribs with BBQ sauce and marinate for 2 days

Remove ribs from marinade, bake, grill and baste with BBQ sauce throughout cooking until pork ribs are caramelized.


BBQ Sauce


Olive oil – 50ml

Brown onion – 1 peeled and diced

Garlic – 3 cloves peeled and chopped

Thyme dried – 1 tbsp

Oregano dried – 1 tbsp

Dry white wine – 100ml

Tomato sauce – 2 cups

Brown sugar – 1 cup / can also substitute with molasses

Worcestshire Sauce – 3 tbsp

Dijon Mustard – 1tbsp

White wine Vinegar – 4 tbsp

Soy Sauce – 4 tbsp

Sweet Chilli sauce – 3 tbsp

Smoked paprika – 1 tsp

Jack Daniels – 1 cup

Lemon – 1 juiced

Salt and pepper top taste.


Pre heat a large pot, add oil and sweat onions & garlic. Deglaze with white wine and reduce by half.

Add in all remaining ingredients except lemon juice salt and pepper. Bring the mix to the boil & simmer for 20 minutes. Make sure you stir regularly. Turn off heat add lemon juice and season with salt and pepper to tast